From the German 'Kabinettskriege' - Cabinet Wars: a period of limited conflict from the Peace of Westphalia (1648) to the French Revolution (1789).
Obstacles for Chain of Command

Just a quick post on a couple of additional obstacles for my Chain of Command games set in 1944 Normandy.  I have three barbed wire entanglements already but the rules allow up to four, and as my others are all on grass, I thought I'd make the fourth to go on a road or paved area:

The barbed wire was from 'Go To Ground Wargaming' and IIRC the barriers were from 'Early War Miniatures' (EWM) but I'm not sure and can't find them on their web store which is still being reconstructed.

Then to provide a roadblock I used some Czech hedgehogs, possibly also from EWM but I can't be sure for the same reasons.

The bases for both are just a thin layer of Milliput on ferro-magnetic sheeting for ease of storage in my boxes lined with magnetic tiles.  I have some doubts about how dark the bases are but as I intend to redo my roads (currently only painted strips of cardboard cut from cereal boxes) I will probably have to redo them at some point.  Also got some more roadblock obstacles from 'MarDav Miniatures' - these are like Czech hedgehogs but more extemporised and embedded into the road.


  1. Nice items Rob, they look the part!

  2. Thanks, but apart from wrapping the wire round the barriers, it was really just a case of painting and basing commercial products.
