From the German 'Kabinettskriege' - Cabinet Wars: a period of limited conflict from the Peace of Westphalia (1648) to the French Revolution (1789).

CoC Maltot Campaign Game 5 - Terrain

So, with my terrain updated, I set out the table for the next game in our campaign which takes place two days' time.

German Defence                      <= British Attack

British Attack =>                      German Defence

View from the British Start Line

View from German Lines

All in all, this looks like a tough nut for the British (me) to crack, especially for an understrength platoon.  In reality I reckon this would be, at the very least, a company objective. 

Any suggestions on how best to crack this one would be very welcome...


  1. Er... Lancaster bombers? It looks like a death trap, albeit a very nicely modelled one.

    1. I do have five Lancasters, but unfortunately they are 1/600th scale and after adjusting to 1/72nd even a 12,000lb Tall Boy would only weigh 20lb, so less effective than a 25pdr shell? A 22,000lb Grand Slam would equate to 38lb but they're not due to enter service until 1945.

  2. An excellent looking tabletop and no suggestions for how to approach the game.

  3. Thanks, I am rather pleased with the look, helped by clipping the images to just the game area of the table.

  4. A lovely looking table Rob…
    As that famous tactician Ripley once said…
    “ I say we take off and nuke the entire site from orbit. It’s the only way to be sure”

    All the best. Aly

    1. That would work, but I've just spiffed up my terrain, I don't think I could bear to nuke it in its first game.

  5. There is always the Monty Python Funniest Joke In the World:

    Lovely looking table too!

    1. You don't catch me that easily! You meant me to follow the link to the video and die laughing... ;o)

  6. No advice on tactics Rob but your terrain board is great!
