From the German 'Kabinettskriege' - Cabinet Wars: a period of limited conflict from the Peace of Westphalia (1648) to the French Revolution (1789).

C.S. Grant's Teaser No.3

Advance Guard Action from Battle June'78.

All set for tomorrow's game, a repeat of the Advance Guard Table Top Teaser, with the Austrians playing 'Red' to the right and the Bavarians as 'Blue' on left.

The Bavarians objective is the bridge in the distance (think I've made a bit further away than it should be) and the Austrian's is the town, and both can get extra victory points for taking both objectives.  So, it's possible they could ignore each other and just secure their own objectives - I very much doubt it will play out like that.

For a better idea of the evenly matched forces, here's the Austrians...

...and now the Bavarians.

Finally with the troops all ready and waiting the respective commanders take their place at the head of their men, first for Austria, Ludwig Andreas Khevenhüller Graf von Aichelberg-Frankenburg (1683–1744), and...

...for Bavaria, Friedrich Heinrich Reichsgraf von Seckendorff (1673 – 1763).

Both sides have two cavalry regiments (dragoons and hussars), three infantry regiments, a battery of two guns and detachment of light troops.  At the beginning of Turn 5 each player draws one of eight envelopes containing a slip detailing what reinforcements he will receive on that turn, as shown below:

I played this as the Bavarians last year, and it didn't go well.  I got the 'draw again after 3 turns' and then drew the hussar squadron plus a howitzer.  My opponent got 'two infantry regiments now' and caught me, backed up against the river as I tried to escape over the bridge - it all got a bit messy as you can see.

Fingers crossed it will go a little better this time.


  1. Looking forward to seeing this play out, lovely figures, both armies look super.

  2. I'm looking forward to it too, but hope cavalry won't let me down again; last time there were 6 cav-vs-cav combats and I lost them all except one in which I drew the first round but lost the second.

  3. Beautiful looking game and figures. A neat mechanism for dealing with reinforcements.

  4. This is going to be good!

    Good on you, moreover, for having another go. I don't think I'd have ever recovered from the Friedland-esque nightmare depicted in the last photo.

    1. Ha ha! Did better this time. Will post it soon.
