From the German 'Kabinettskriege' - Cabinet Wars: a period of limited conflict from the Peace of Westphalia (1648) to the French Revolution (1789).

I'm ready for my close-up Mr DeMille

Having seen some photos being shared of a beautifully painted up 20mm Alberken Napoleonic personality figure I thought I'd post some photos of the only one I have painted up.  I think the figure was intended to be the Earl of Uxbridge but as I have a Hinton Hunt casting of him awaiting painting...

...I present Major-General Stapleton Cotton, a.k.a. the "Lion d' Or".

The slightly modified to reduce the size of his rather extravagant headgear and the tiger skin saddle cloth was 'pimped up' with some green-stuff modelling putty.  The tiger skin was fun to paint and give him some real panache.  As I paint with enamels and tend to mix them there's no point listing which paints I used, assuming I could even remember at this point in time.

Any way I hope you like him, so, here's a few more close-ups.


  1. Splendid looking chap - very nice indeed. [I am looking at your blog - Blogger won't let me follow it, and I can't even link to it from my own - now we'll see if I am allowed to leave a comment...]

  2. Thanks, I don't know why you can't follow blog, is it something I need to enable? I'm still pretty much a newbie at this blogging lark.

  3. No - I think it is my Google profile or something - it's probably too old - yes, that sounds about right.

  4. That is really lovely work Rob, can't wait to see what you make of your HH Uxbridge! I've been able to follow your blog just fine but it might be a good idea to add the followers widget to encourage others to do the same?

    1. Thanks, I might just do that at some point, but at present it would be a pretty dismal showing.

    2. I believe adding the followers widget makes it possible/easier to follow you…

    3. I've added that and a hit counter - I do hope someone keeps Stryker company soon as he's looking pretty lonely.

  5. A splendid shiny fellow Rob…

    All the best. Aly

    1. Thanks, no doubt you can see the brushwork in these close-ups. While I'm happy with the overall effect I do wish I could mimic your much 'cleaner' painting style - but perhaps that would mean transitioning to acrylics and the unknown is scary.

  6. J'adore votre Lion d'or, Rob. It's no simple thing to paint an Alberken command figure, and you've done it magnificently.

    1. Thanks, I thought he was a bit OTT, but I'm currently painting a rather sombre HH Prince of Orange and find myself somewhat missing 'The Peacock Touch'.

  7. Masterful brushwork on the good General! Norma Desmond could not have done better. ;-)

    Kind Christmas Week Regards,


    1. Thanks, but clearly my education, or upbringing, must be lacking as I'm unaware of Norma Desmond.
