From the German 'Kabinettskriege' - Cabinet Wars: a period of limited conflict from the Peace of Westphalia (1648) to the French Revolution (1789).

 Russo-Japanese Naval Campaign - Introduction

[Pre-Cabinette Archives c.2011-13?]

The Genesis of Russo-Japanese Naval Armageddon

A few (let’s not be too picky) years ago I became frustrated with evenly matched naval encounters where players happily sacrifice their fleet with no aim other than to rob the opponent of his.  It was clear the only way to overcome this mutually assured naval destruction was to run a campaign.  So, taking a deep breath I thumbed through my trusty back catalogue of wargaming magazines and settled on a Russo-Japanese campaign system devised by David Manley and printed in both Wargames Illustrated (#181) and Miniature Wargames (#265).  The Russo-Japanese War (RJW) was already a front-runner for this project as I was keen to exploit the quick-play pre-dreadnought rules, ‘Damn Battleships Again’ (DBA) by Phil Barker – then freely available on-line.  A quick play-test with card counters, also from the trusty Interweb (see Mikasa example below), was an unqualified success.

Filled with enthusiasm I cast around for miniatures and selected Panzerschiffe’s 1/2400 range.  They make almost every ship I wanted and being resin castings they are easier to convert/modify than metal; especially when drilling holes to mount steel rod masts.  The masts were given tops by rolling strips of paper around the masts and securing with superglue – see photo of the Russian cruiser Rurik I - yards were omitted as too fiddly/fragile for wargame models.  

The ships were mounted on magnetic tiling with a sea texture applied using fast-setting epoxy resin teased into waves and wakes with a cocktail stick.  The ships were fitted with a card spacer before mounting on the base to maintain their freeboard once the sea texture was added.  While the fleets were under construction several further play-tests fine-tuned the rules - I’m an obsessive rule-tweaker - to make the DBA rules more RJW specific and setting out how campaign encounters are translated onto the table.  

Scratch Building Naval Terrain(?) 

An absence of terrain is one the big attractions of naval wargaming, saving money, storage space and set-up time.  Initially I used a blue cloth for the sea but it was not ideal and would ruck if I moved my ships with insufficient care.  Needing a harder and smoother sea surface I visited my local flooring shop and found some vinyl flooring (see photo) that could be cut to match the size of my table with no unsightly joins.  

This not only looked better, but offered a much better user-experience compared to my blue cloth.  Not only does it have a slightly shiny and textured surface better suited to represent water it also lays flat with no creases despite being stored rolled up in my loft.

For islands I used my flocked Hexon hills (by Kallistra), the only other land features, which I made, were the two sides of the channel into Port Arthur.  The photos below show the western arm known as the ‘Tiger’s Tail’...  

... and the eastern shoreline.

These were made from vinyl tiles cut along contour lines and glued atop each other.  These were smeared with PVA glue onto which sand was sprinkled and finally small balsa wood building (5-10mm mm tall) were added.  

The final touch was a series of coastal battery forts (plasticard and plastic rod) the design of which was based on the structures still visible on Google Earth.  

A Handy Widget for Damn Battleships Again (DBA)

While Phil Barker’s ‘Damn Battleships Again' are fast enough to allow several actions to be fought in a single day’s gaming, I wanted to speed them even further by making some bespoke tools.  After some trial and error, I found all I needed was a single multi-purpose widget for measuring movement (distance and turning), defining arcs of fire and the 'knuckle angle'.  The ‘knuckle’ angle is the tightest turn a squadron in line ahead can make without giving the enemy an advantage when firing at ships turning in sequence at the same point. 

The pictures below show the widget in use to: 

... move (ships move in increments of base lengths); ...  

... move and turn up to the maximum turn allowed (90°); ...

... turn by the maximum allowed without creating a vulnerable 'knuckle'; ...

... and, define the broadside arc of fire.

A Quick Campaign Overview

The campaign theatre of operations is divided into several sea areas (see map). 

The Japanese accrue victory points (VPs) for successfully convoying their army across the sea to seize Port Arthur; 35 VPs being required to win the war.  The Russians win by either denying Japanese VPs or cancelling them out through actions such as bombarding the disembarkation ports.  If the Russians can delay a Japanese win for long enough the Baltic fleet arrives to save the day – or meet a watery doom at Tsushima.  Each turn (two per month), aside from the initial attack on Port Arthur, the players have to apportion their ships across variety mission types; these include patrols, convoy escort, bombardment and minelaying / sweeping.  Players must specify the route that each mission takes to its destination (the return leg is ignored) hopefully avoiding any enemy patrols.  To streamline order writing, bespoke order sheets were used (see 3-mission extract below);  a highlighter was used to indicate the mission type and route so the player only has to write in the number of ships of each type (all ships of the same type have the same characteristics).

Of the different mission types patrolling is the most important.  Successfully patrolling a sea area gives a player control of that area in the following turn which will limit their opponent’s ability to conduct missions because missions may enter an enemy controlled area but may not pass through it.   

AC Armoured Cruiser
LC Light Cruiser
OAC Obsolete Armoured Cruiser
OBB Obsolete Battleship
OPC Obsolete Protected Cruiser
PC Protected Cruiser
TBD Torpedo Boat Destroyer
BB Battleship

Finally Ready!

At last, unlike many other abandoned projects, this one was now ready and war was declared ...      after the attack on Port Arthur!


A campaign narrative will follow in three instalments.

Another Classic Range Passes Away

Yesterday I received the following email from Mark Lodge that Jacklex Miniatures has ceased trading:


Unfortunately, I write to announce the permanent closure of Jacklex Miniatures from today (3 January 2025). This is, in the main due to the ever increasing costs of running a small hobby business including raw materials, postage, business insurance, electricity and EU regulation (I thought we had rid ourselves of the latter?) As many of you will know, my primary goal has always been to keep a fine range of model soldiers, sculpted by the very talented Jack Alexander and Andrew Stadden, available to the hobby. It is, therefore with a great deal of regret that I find that I am unable to continue to do so. 

Please be assured that any orders made through the site on or before 1 January will be fulfilled in the usual manner.    

Thank you for your custom over the last five years, it has been a pleasure to do business with you. I wish you the very best for the New Year and for all your future hobby endeavours.
I would like to record my gratitude to Mark for all the hard work he put in keeping the Jacklex range in production.  He was also very helpful willingly breaking up figure sets to provide specific items and, in this way, provided all the baggage mules and oxen together with some of the drivers that made up my Spanish Napoleonic baggage train and pull my huge Warhammer Great Cannon for my 'The Pride and the Passion' project.  

I hope the following photos provide some idea of how nice this range was: